Picture The Institutional Risk Analyst
published by Institutional Risk Analytics, a unit of Lord, Whalen LLC
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IRA Bank Monitor
Yield to Commission: Credit Derivatives, Moral Hazard and Systemic Risk
January 18, 2007

A new IRA Analyst newsletter has been published and this story has been moved to our archive library.

IRA has been publishing ground breaking commentary on financial policy issues since 2003. To help offset the continuing costs of this part of our commentary service, on January 1, 2010 old issues of The IRA Analyst became part of a new library service by IRA. The service costs $99.00/year.

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IRA on Web 2.0

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The Institutional Risk Analyst is published by Lord, Whalen LLC (LW) and may not be reproduced, disseminated, or distributed, in part or in whole, by any means, outside of the recipient's organization without express written authorization from LW. It is a violation of federal copyright law to reproduce all or part of this publication or its contents by any means. This material does not constitute a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities or investments. The opinions expressed herein are based on publicly available information and are considered reliable. However, LW makes NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY SORT with respect to this report. Any person using this material does so solely at their own risk and LW and/or its employees shall be under no liability whatsoever in any respect thereof.

The Institutional Risk Analyst

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IRA has been publishing ground breaking commentary on financial policy issues since 2003. To help offset the continuing costs of this part of our commentary service, on January 1, 2010 old issues of "The IRA Analyst" became part of a new library service by IRA. The service costs $99.00/year. Go to our shopping cart now   TO PLACE YOUR ORDER.

Public Service

FDIC Foreclosure Prevention Tool Kit
"The FDIC -- along with fellow regulators and the banking industry -- continues the urgent search for workable solutions to our nation's serious subprime mortgage and foreclosure problems."

FDIC Failed Banks List
The official page listing banks that have failed.

IRA is not endorsed by any agency or program featured in this section. We display these links solely in the public interest because good citizenship matters. We will post additional material here as we find it. If you believe your government or non-profit program merits being added to this list please contact us.

Coverage Catalog Links

List of Bank Holding Companies

List of FDIC Certificate Unit Institutions


A Professional Services Organization
Copyright 2010 - Lord, Whalen LLC - All Rights Reserved