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Copyright 2009 - Institutional Risk Analytics - All Rights Reserved

About this Product

IRA does not give investment advice or advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. This tool is primarily designed for consumers with large deposits above the FDIC insured limit or other relationships who want to monitor the safety and soundness of specific banks. Keep in mind that banks, like all other business entities, come in many forms. They all provide financial services. But beneath the surface institutions can and do employ a variety of business practices to support these services. These reports do not judge banks per se. They are meant to make the operations of these banks more transparent so you, the consumer, can make your own judgment as how to best deploy your capital.

About IRA Analysis

IRA's Bank Monitor system is a granular performance and risk model covering FDIC insured depository institutions and holding companies. We deliver distilled analytics for use in counterparty, insurance, acquisition and other �safety and soundness� business case applications. The IRA rating methodology generates detailed metrics designed to illustrate bank business performance and test safety and soundness practices. IRA tests are uniformly computed across the entire bank universe and are particularly useful for comparison testing.

Report Pricing

  • $50 per institution for one-year access to view information on an individual bank.

  • An Advanced Survey Tool subscription costs $500 per user for one-year access to use the screening system.

  • The Corporate Monitor costs $500 per user for one-year access. Corporate fundamental data is supplied to IRA by Morningstar, Inc.

  • Cart users may pay for reports via a Paypal interface. Payment may be made by yourself or via your organization's online purchasing account(s). You may view your purchases immediately upon our receipt of your payment confirmation.